Saturday 1 September 2012

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Anti-aging the antinociception food - broccoli

Recommended reason: Broccoli is rich in antioxidants vitamin C and carotene. Research shows, cruciferous vegetables is the best anti-aging and anti-cancer food.
 to maintain the vitality of food - cabbage

Recommended reason: the cabbage is also open cruciferous vegetables, vitamin C content is very rich, while rich in fiber, can promote gastrointestinal motility, digestive system to maintain youthful vigor.
 antioxidant foods - tofu anabolic cooking review product info

Recommended reason: In addition to the lean meat and fish and shrimp food, tofu is also a good source of protein. At the same time, the beans contain a chemical substances called isoflavones, is an effective anti-oxidant. Please remember that, "oxidation" means "aging  anabolic cooking
The beauty food - fresh fruits and vegetables
Recommended reason: fresh fruits and vegetables rich in carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E. Carotene is the best anti-aging elements. Carotene to maintain the health of human tissue or organs outer layer of tissue, vitamin C and vitamin E may slow the aging of cells due to oxidation. In addition, fresh fruits and vegetables rich in dietary fiber, can promote large rectal health, help detoxification eating
3, dinner unscientific illness

Human urination peak generally 4-5 hours after dinner, and eat dinner too late, the urine after dinner will all stuck in the urinary tract, and can not be discharged in vitro. Thus, the calcium content in the urine in the urinary tract will continue to increase, and the passage of time will be the formation of urinary tract stones.

 intestinal pain

If most of the day non-staple foods eaten by the dinner, these substances to the role by the anaerobic bacteria in the large intestine, it will produce harmful substances. These substances can increase the burden of liver and kidney toxicity brain stimulation, coupled with sleep peristaltic reduction will relatively extended time these substances stay in the intestine, thus easily lead to colorectal cancer.


Dinner eat good fullness, plus drinking too much, is very likely to cause acute pancreatitis, shock people sleep. If the incarcerated the biliary ampulla original stones, the roundworm infarction as well as chronic biliary tract infection, is more likely to cause acute pancreatitis.

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