Thursday 26 July 2012

(**)Neglected Factors In Fat Loss(**)

If you have trouble losing weight even if you pick the hours of cardio a week, then you have no choice but to change your exercise program.

This is what Katie and Michael, two of the men and women using my fat loss program online, I had to do after they sent me to this particular problem, the other week.

Poor Katie and Michael were the development of 90 minutes per day, five days a week with no results. Sound familiar? I hope not, but I've heard worse stories of women who are 7 hours of cardio a week with no results. Fortunately, everyone can get results with shorter workouts and more effective, once I tell the forgotten four factors for fat loss

The first factor is body weight exercise forgotten. Although most people like Katie and Michael, have been brainwashed by the big commercial gyms you have to do hours and hours of cardio on the machines expensive to lose fat, the truth is that you do not need to do any traditional cardio lose fat.

In fact, you can exercise in the comfort of your own home with weight exercises like squats, sit in jail, step-ups, squats split pumps, mountaineers, and dozens more. All these exercises burn calories, sculpt your muscles and help you change your body without the cost and inconvenience of going to the gym.

A quick circuit of body weight can do instead of the traditional cardio workout would consist of six to eight bodyweight exercises. Choose body exercises three to four children and three or four upper body exercises and alternate between the movements of the upper and lower body for the complete circuit. Rest as little as possible between exercises, and then take one or two minute break before starting the circuit twice.

The second factor, if you forgot how to lose fat is to increase the amount of playing time in your life. I know this may sound silly, but give it a try. After Katie and Michael showed me all I had to do three hard workouts a week, gave them more time to return to dancing two nights a week and a long walk at weekends. They no longer have to walk together.

I truly believe a factor overlooked in fat loss is that we must make our decision to exercise. If you despise going to the gym and do cardio for 60 minutes 6 days a week, you will have less results than if he met a friend and I went for a walk three days a week.

So do not hate your workouts. If you do not like a lot of cardio, find something else to do. You do not have to be on a machine that tells you how many calories you burn each workout (besides, these machines are always wrong).

The third factor was forgotten Katie and Michael's back on a diet of whole foods, natural. Too many people rely on powders, pills and potions these days and we have forgotten that men and women remained thin for thousands of years by eating whole foods, natural. The animals are healthy and strong eat berries, nuts, fruits, vegetables and fish, and only get fat when we eat the "food".

Cut processed carbs, powders, weight loss shake, meal replacement bars, and replace those whose fruits, vegetables, raw nuts, and healthy sources of proteins that contain healthy fats. If it comes in a bag or box, forget it.

The fourth factor, if you forgot how to lose fat is social support. You can not do it yourself. Fortunately, Katie Katie Michael and Michael for their support.

But if you do not have support at home, find a training partner at the gym, a food partner at work, or friends to visit weight loss forums for the wellbeing of everyone. In most cases occur in a weight loss forum of social support, more successful. Social support is a key factor ignored if you want to lose fat.

Forget about workouts that do not work, and apply the four factors of the forgotten fat loss today! If you want to lose fat, you can do so without sacrificing their social time or exercise that you despise. In short, burst workouts help burn belly fat in half the time the long, slow, boring cardio. So put a little fun to your workouts, engage your friends who support him, and lose fat faster than ever this year.

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